Perlin Noise

Restart... and brand new different world!

  • by Logane Ramez
  • Novembre, 2020

As said in the thumbnail, I really appreciate when I can play a game over and over again without being bored ever. That's why I tried to understand how Perlin noise worked. So here you can test to generate your own 2D maps view from the top! Have fun!

Work almost done

There are still heaps of optimization yet to be done and features yet to be added for it to be fully enjoyable. Unfortunately my brain and I put our best efforts into trying to understand the "core" code (coming from Sebastian Lague on YouTube) and it's... hard. anyway, you can generate a 2D map by moving across the sliders and generate what I call structures. If you want to see the map as a whole, just uncheck "follow player" and control the camera with ZQSD and your scroll wheel, and if you don't have one use P and M. have fun.


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