« Pong » in LUA

Ping pong

  • by Logane Ramez
  • Décembre, 2020

An attempt at creating a pong game using LUA through the micro engine Tic80. The funny part about that project is that apart from having to create the graphic engine (it's already done) you have to create the physic engine, the colliders, the collisions and whatnot.

And it's quite complicated. For example, detecting the collisions is the easiest part. But when it comes down to detecting WHERE is that collision coming from, in order to bounce the objects the correct way, things get tricky.

I challenged myself into doing that hard part, so I could create dynamic hitboxes. However the lack of time cut me short. The result is botched, BUT there's an attempt, and I'm proud of myself.

Oh and, here's what the IDE looked like


Other projects

My first somewhat "polished" solo video game.
The permanent (Devlog)
A big one
World of tanks ripoff
Too big, waaayyyyyyy too big.